Sep 3, 2008

Google Chrome for Windows. Just too Minimal!

A very disappointing experience. Okay, it's beta but we give NO excuse to Google who worked on Chrome for more than two years!!! A minimal design with minimal sophisticated technology (many bugs, errors, etc), minimal plug-ins (none at all), minimal WAP mobile access (can't read wml - not smart enough), minimal intuitiveness and last but not least, fast but not that fast. Much ado about a poor clone of Safari and Opera web browsers. Don't waist your time giving a try. It's just too minimal!

Chrome creates a unique ID through which a user theoretically can be identified

Chrome remembers up to the second exactly when the software was installed

Chrome-function transmits information in encoded form to Google

Minimal Creativeness

Something much more innovative grab our attention: forget chrome. Go Pogo. Awesome!

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